Zoom Update Mobile Device

EdTech Support (MESG) | Zoom in the Classroom: Training & Support Resources

How to update your Zoom app on iPad and iPhone?

Updating the app on your device is a fairly simple process. Open this link on your device and you will be automatically redirected to the App Store on your device. If you have the app installed on your device, simply click on the update icon beside the app name to update it.


How to update your Zoom app on Android?

If you are using an Android mobile device then you can use this link which will directly take you to the Zoom app page in the Play Store. Once on the page, you can tap on the update icon under the Zoom icon to start updating your app.



Need Assistance with Zoom (SOM Activity Set-Up, Logistics & Training):
Medical Education Support Group - EdTech Unit

Need Assistance with Zoom (Account & Sign-In):
C&IT Help Desk