SOM - Echo360 Student Basics

EdTech Support (MESG) | SOM Echo360 Resource Index

  1. To access your Echo360 Streaming lectures, login into Canvas
  2. Enter a Canvas course, from the course navigation you will see the Echo360 Recordings button.
  3. Click the Echo360 Recordings button form the course navigation.

  4. You will be directed to the list of your Echo360 Streaming lectures / classes.
    • Echo360 considers each lecture a class.
  5. After entering Echo360 you will land on the Classes tab page (default view). The Classes section will list all of the your lectures in chronological order.
  6. A Search Content box is available at the top of the page for searches.
  7. To start viewing the lecture click the title and or the green play button.
  8. The green button will turn gray after the video has been viewed/ played

  9. Within the viewing window (on the top menu bar):
    • You can make indexed notes and bookmarks throughout your lecture streams. Your notes are completely private and can contribute towards other searchable metadata for later study.
    • You can notify the instructor of general confusion by clicking the flag button.
    • You can click the outline icon to go back to your list of streams.

  10. From the viewing window you can toggle between the slides and the stream by clicking on either window to enlarge.
  11. Within viewing window (on the bottom menu bar):
    • You can PLAY / STOP, Rewind and Fast-Forward.
    • Select Sources to view only one window.
    • You can speed up or slow down your video by selecting the cog.